For your at home journeys
We collaborate with those companies and organizations that inform, support, and provide the goods or services that we utilize in our programming. Below are links to our preferred, tried-and-true devices and products for healing and wellness.
Nutrition & Supplement Providers
Medicinal Food of Hawaii produces high quality supplements, food products, and dental hygiene specialties that we love and use often.
LifeBOOST coffee is the BEST. We use their beans for enemas and to drink and support our community in staying sharp, clear, and non-acidic. Order our favorite roast HERE.
Primal Herb has a great selection of health and performance herbal supplements. We use their EX-Candida Frequently in our program offerings.
Work with us!
Are you a brand or health and wellness protocol, supplement or device producer? Do you want us to explore working together?
Please Contact us at info@altaroflife.org include Brand Partner in the subject line