Qualities, Mastery, Balance
The second body, negative (protective) mind, identifies possible dangers or shortcomings in a situation. Expresses protective caution about the future, sees the downside or pitfalls in every situation out of a genuine sense of caring.
Qualities: Conservative containment, discipline to avoid the precarious
Key phrase: “The Longing to Belong” –Your soul longs to unite with the Infinite.
Mastery: Gives form to the creativity of your Soul Body by developing the discernment to identify potential dangers and set protective boundaries. Through the resulting sense of safety, your soul’s longing is satisfied by connecting deeply to its own God Self.
If imbalanced, weak: Poor choices in relationships; easily fooled, can’t recognize potential danger. If too strong: immobilized by imagined dangers and negative attitude towards the future.
Key to Balancing: To strengthen, exercise your discipline; develop conscious relationships of integrity, feel deserving enough to defend yourself. To balance if too strong, develop the Positive Mind by modeling the behaviors of those who are successful in their expression of enthusiasm, trust, and hope.
Affirmation: I am and I feel
Today we will work in the middle of the descending colon, in the Spleen meridians, and in the immune system, which are associated with not allowing ourselves to feel love or FEELING our own LOVE.
We are working in the Mother area of the colon, mother was totally response-able for meeting our needs as children, and she did her best. This is a great time to love HER and let go of any ideas we had about where she did not perform her role adequately based on our own ideas of the role of Mother. Thank her for your life and bless her for all she had to go through to bring you here.
When we can release our parents from the roles they played for us in the divine play, and see them as Humans Beings, then we can let go of all of our perceived faults and see them for who they truly ARE, divine children of God/Goddess!
Feel the love THAT you ARE, there is no one better qualified to FEEL your Love than you!
Moving through to the second chakra, emoting and feeling. Our emotions are precious, and our needs are non-negotiable! We tend to negotiate or compromise with others to get our needs met, and that is impossible because we cannot get our needs met by compromising ourselves
We are the only ones who know what we need, and we are the only ones who know how to go about meeting our own needs. That is our response-ability to ourselves! Emotions help us to determine what FEELS right and what does not. Emotions can be a precious gift for revealing where we are at and emoting can raise your vibration by moving stuck energy OUT of your body!
When we allow our feelings to move through us, they do just that MOVE THROUGH, we don’t harbor feelings and then they do not get stuck in the body causing Dis-ease. We allow what we feel to be, we express it to the best of our ability in the moment, without projecting onto others, and then we let it go. Most dis-eases can be traced to unresolved emotions. When we FEEL it, we HEAL it!
Pain or pleasure? is that the ultimate dichotomy, that is must be one or the other? It can be experienced and felt without judging, pain is an indicator and also body’s way of calling attention to itself, how many times have you just gone totally into a feeling? and just been with it with compassion and acceptance, pain is resistance, feeling is movement
There are two forms of compromise in relationships:
One in which you find a way to come together, to meet each other while still holding space within and for yourself. In this movement, you are free and clear to connect with your partner in the ways they need, with the level of intimacy they desire. Your heart is wide open, your energy centers alive, your own desire to meet them feels pulsing with life - and becomes the energy that drives you closer together.
The second is a selling out of yourself. When you move toward your partner in a way that creates tension, quiets your own desires, feels like moving out of your space and into theirs - it builds resentment. Begins to feel like they matter more than you - and this way of relating will certainly unravel your connection. There is no deeper intimacy, in fact the depth between you wanes with time. You feel less than, unable to be heard and seen and sense your needs have little consideration.
In the first path of compromise there is expansion, deepening, openness. The second begins to feel like an interior contraction and suppression of yourself. Neither is at the hands of your partner. The level to which you compromise is always within your own energy field and realm of choice. YOU get to choose what space, movement, connection and depth of intimacy feel right to you.
I would offer you this: when moving through these spaces within yourself and together - continually come back to your heart center. Is there desire, joy, connection driving you in the movement or do you feel heavy and experience tastes of bitterness? THAT is your doorway through to inner truth - deeper intimacy and sacred relatedness. It always, always, always - comes back to you.
There is compromise in meeting your partner... And there is compromise in selling yourself out to please them. THIS is the prostitute survival energy at work in your consciousness.
Emotional body healing
Now that we understand guilt, shame, and blame and have practiced release of judgment, we can move into FEELING as a direct experience of our Being.
That gap between mind and body begins with judgment and creates a field of mentalizing dualistic notions that become a field of false light. The mind only functions in polarity, good/bad, right/wrong, this/that, and ultimately yes or no. When we feel something, our tendency is to think about it, but that is not feeling, that is moving away from feeling into thinking, judging, discriminating, and then we gap from our bodies language of directly experiencing and utilizing discernment on the path to knowing ourselves. We dualize in our own minds, between what feels good and pleasurable and what feels bad and try to find ways to avoid the feeling itself by thinking about it.
Thinking only leads to more thinking, remember we are not talking about intellect here, we are talking about thinking. Intelligence is a lot different than thoughts, your intelligence is inherent, meaning you are born with it, thoughts are like programs on a computer, meaning they were installed. Think about it this way, where do those thoughts come from, are they really “ours”, did we choose to think that?
The expression of the full range of human emotion is essential to physical and psychological health. The regular circulation of emotion strengthens our immune systems and releases more of our vital lifeforce energy. As we return home to our bodies and pay attention to their sensations and impulses, we re-claim the inherent skillfulness of childhood when our feelings danced through us as gracefully as the breath.
Emoting can be a great way to generate creativity as well. It can be as simple as making sounds, moving our bodies, or speaking to our loved ones about what we are going through. What is key here is self-compassion, be compassionate enough with yourself to allow yourself to feel what you feel, love it, and release it! Remember your compassion is incomplete if it is not for yourself!
Focus today on what you are FEELING, not thinking, not processing, just simply FEELING the sensations in your body!
Longing to belonging
Key Question: In my urge to merge, in my need for completion, in any situation, can I discern what feels right for me?
We all long to belong, to come home again, to meet others reciprocally, and to be met. This only happens in the heart of LOVE. Focus on marrying the two within you, Higher self and Lower self, north, and south, east and west, father and mother, sister and brother, SPIRIT and WILL. Be the Love that you are, and others will see you and resonate with their own love of who they are.
WE have “protective mind” because we need to discern what is right for us in any given moment, it is there to help you, and yes protect you. Having boundaries is a good thing, it is how we differentiate ourselves from others! It helps us to individuate. And yet if we are overly in our protective MIND, then we are not Feeling and discerning what feels right. We only require boundaries until we can hold ground for ourselves. Once we are able to hold the ground of our beingness then all the boundaries dissolve into the unified field, while also allowing for our differentiation.
Your feelings matter! Feel what you feel, love your self and take deep breaths while allowing it to pass through you.